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quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014

O conto do Médico

Trata-se do áudio "Eu" contando resumidamente "O Conto do Médio" do Escritor Geoffrey Chaucer.

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quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

A good message for this year 2014 that begin. Think about

Charlie Chaplin's final speech in the film the great dictator, with a splash of modern imagery. Song: Window by The Album Leaf 

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quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013


This video shows a small glimmer of how technology might effect a classroom of the future. Students will be collaborating on a massive scale, and as teachers are job will be to facilitate that.



hope vtr(desire)esperar vt
We hope that you will recover quickly.
Esperamos que te recuperes rapidamente.
hope n(desire)desejo sm
esperança sf
He has a lot of hopes for the future.
Ele tem muitos desejos para o futuro.
hope n(expectation)esperança sf
My hope is that you will succeed by hard work.
Minha esperança é que tu terás sucesso trabalhando arduamente.
Traduções Adicionais/Additional Translations
hope n([sb] or sthg one relies on)esperança sf
You're our only hope!
hope vi(feel that sthg may occur)ter esperança loc v int
I don't know if it will work, but we can always hope.
hope vtr(expect)esperar vt
We hope to move house before the end of next year.


  • Sense: Reliance upon the future
    • confidence
    • optimism
  • Sense: The object of hope
    • aspiration
    • goal
    • dream
  • Sense: A reason for hope
    • support
    • prop


Definition and sentences:
1. (18) hope
(a specific instance of feeling hopeful; "it revived their hope of winning the pennant")
2. (17) hope
(the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled; "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope")
3. (14) promise, hope
(grounds for feeling hopeful about the future; "there is little or no promise that he will recover")
4. (2) hope
(someone (or something) on which expectations are centered; "he was their best hope for a victory")
5. Hope, Bob Hope, Leslie Townes Hope
(United States comedian (born in England) who appeared in films with Bing Crosby (1903-2003))
6. hope
(one of the three Christian virtues)


light n(illumination) iluminaçãoluz sf
Could we have some light in the room? It's too dark.
Poderíamos ter um pouco de luz no recinto? Está muito escuro.
light n(lamp)lâmpada sf
luz sf
We have three lights in this room.
Nós temos três lâmpadas nesta sala.
light n(traffic light) semáforoluz sf
Ssinaleira sf
sinal sm
The traffic stopped when the light turned red.
O tráfego parou quando a luz ficou vermelha.
O tráfego parou quando a sinaleira ficou vermelha.
O tráfego parou quando o sinal ficou vemelho.
light nfigurative (viewpoint) ponto de vistaluz sf
He always saw things in a negative light.
Ele sempre viu as coisas numa luz negativa.
light adj(weight) pesoleve adj
Give me the heavy bag, and you can carry the light one.
Dá-me a mala pesada e tu podes carregar a leve.
light adj(faint)suave adj
indistinto, vago adj
You could only see a light line of the mountains.
Só se podia ver a linha suave das montanhas.
light adj(easy) fácilleve adj
Take a little light exercise - nothing too strenuous.
Pega uns exercícios leves - nada muito exaustivo.
light adj(colour: pale) cor: pálidoclaro adj
Have you seen my light blue shirt?
Viste a minha camisa azul claro?
light, light upvi(become bright)clarear v int
aclarar-se vp
Give it a moment and the room will light up.
Espera um momento e a sala vai clarear.
light vtr(ignite)acender vt
pôr fogo loc vt
I will light the petrol to set off the fire.
Eu vou acender o combustível para atear o fogo.


  • Sense: Having illumination
    • illuminated
    • bright
  • Sense: Having color
    • vivid
    • bright
  • Sense: Having little content
    • superficial
    • slight
    • frivolous
    • trivial
    • unimportant
  • Sense: Having gaiety and spirit
    • lively
    • merry
    • animated
    • jaunty
  • Sense: Having little weight
    • airy
    • lighter than air
    • light as air
    • light as a feather
    • weightless
  • Sense: Digestible
    • digestible
  • Sense: Small in quantity or number
    • wee
    • small
    • inadequate
    • insufficient
    • hardly enough
    • scanty
    • slight
    • few
  • Sense: Wanton
    • wanton

Sense 1:
light (vs. heavy)

heavy (vs. light)
densedoughy, soggyheavier-than-airheftymassivenon-buoyantponderous
Sense 2:
light (vs. dark), light-colored

dark (vs. light)
Sense 3:
light (vs. heavy)

heavy (vs. light)

Sense 4:
light (vs. heavy)

heavy (vs. light)
Sense 5:
light (vs. heavy)

heavy (vs. light)
burdensome, onerous, taxingdistressing, distressful, disturbing, perturbing, troubling, worrisome, worryingleaden, weightedoppressiveweighty
Sense 6:
light (vs. dark)

Definition and sentences:

1. (46) light, visible light, visible radiation
((physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window")
2. (23) light, light source
(any device serving as a source of illumination; "he stopped the car and turned off the lights")
3. (13) light
(a particular perspective or aspect of a situation; "although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand")
4. (10) luminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousness, light
(the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light; "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun")
5. (7) light
(an illuminated area; "he stepped into the light")
6. (4) light, illumination
(a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination; "follow God's light")



free adj(gratis, no charge) de graça, sem cobrançagrátis, gratuito adj
I paid for the coat, but the hat was free.
Eu paguei pelo casaco, mas o chapéu foi grátis (or: gratuito).
free adj(not restrained physically) sem restrição físicalivre adj
The prisoner was free at last.
O prisioneiro finalmente estava livre.
free adj(at liberty) ter liberdadelivre adj
I'm not free to give you that information.
Eu não estou livre para lhe dar essa informação.
free adj(seat: unoccupied) assento: desocupadolivre, desocupado adj
Excuse me, is this seat free?
Licença, esse assento está livre (or: desocupado)?
free vtr(give liberty) dar liberdadelibertar vt
Slaves were freed in 1865 in the USA.
Os escravos foram libertados em 1865 nos Estados Unidos.

  • Sense: Not restricted politically
    • independent
    • liberated
    • autonomous
    • freed
    • released
    • emancipated
    • freeborn
    • enjoying political independence
    • self-governing
    • self-directing
    • released from bondage
    • self-ruling
    • enfranchised
    • unenslaved
    • unregimented
    • unregulated
    • deregulated
    • unfettered
  • Sense: Not restricted in space; said of persons
    • unconfined
    • unconstrained
    • at large
    • loose
    • free as air
    • free as a bird
    • free to come and go
    • at liberty
    • footloose and fancy-free
    • on the loose
    • unencumbered
    • unshackled
  • Sense: Not restricted in space; said of things
    • unimpeded
    • unobstructed
    • unrestricted
    • not held fast
  • Sense: Given without charge
    • gratis
    • free of charge
    • without charge
    • for nothing
    • complimentary
    • on the house
    • for free
    • free gratis
  • Sense: Not restricted in speech or conduct
    • candid
    • frank
    • blunt
  • Sense: Generous


Sense 1:
free (vs. unfree)

unfree (vs. free)
adscript, adscriptedapprenticed, articled, bound, indenturedat bay(predicate), cornered, trapped, treedcaptive, confined, imprisoned, jailedentanglednonautonomous, nonsovereignprisonlikeserflike
Sense 2:
free (vs. bound)

bound (vs. free)
conjugate, conjugatedconjugate, conjugated
Sense 3:
complimentary, costless, free, gratis(predicate), gratuitous


Sense 4:


Sense 5:
detached, free


Definition and sentences:

1. (6) free, liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loose
(grant freedom to; free from confinement)
2. (3) rid, free, disembarrass
(relieve from; "Rid the house of pests")
3. (3) dislodge, free
(remove or force out from a position; "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums"; "He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble")
4. (1) exempt, relieve, free
(grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to; "She exempted me from the exam")
5. (1) free, release
(make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners")
6. (1) free, discharge
(free from obligations or duties)

More info:

Entendendo Inglês 1 - Present Perfect x Simple Past

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